Should I Talk About My Spiritual Visions and Experiences Publicly?

Olga Aydınoğlu
4 min readOct 25, 2020


At sixteen I saw a vision that described how human reincarnation works. It felt more real than this reality itself and I saw it from a place that was not in this 3D realm at all.

Immediately, I shared the experience with my parents, fascinated, and expecting that my parents would be fascinated, too.

“No, it’s not real,” they said. “You just have a very rich imagination. Don’t think of it too much.”

I could not discount it as imagination. It was too real and it explained so much. I felt like I went home for a bit and then went back to this dream or a temporary journey.

I couldn’t stop thinking about it and I told my friends about it. They looked at me like I am a naïve kid, imagining all kinds of magical stories. Literally, nobody was interested in it and it made me feel so alone and ununderstood.

Much later, I shared this vision with another family member and I was told once again to keep quiet. In fact, they told me that if I speak of things like this to “normal” people, I would find it very hard to live my “normal” life. People would think that I am too impressionable, stupid, or maybe even a little sick in the head. Surely, nobody would want to work with me or have any serious work or personal relationships with me.

So I kept my silence for years. Only rarely did I ever spill everything out to a person, I felt would understand it. Sometimes they did and sometimes they didn’t. What never happened though, is what my family told me might happen, that someone would develop a strong aversion against me and break off our work or personal relationship. On the contrary, people would often ask me for more information and general advice.

Meanwhile, the visions kept coming and I felt increasingly alone in my discoveries because I was not sharing them with anyone. As a result, I grew very dissatisfied and disconnected from my life. I felt that everything was an illusion and a pretend play, while something truly real was hidden and unseen by anyone.

I felt as if I were living a fake life, as if whatever I was working on at my “normal” jobs was an empty shell and the truth was being bypassed somehow, forgotten, and purposely swept under the rug to avoid the inconvenience of staring at it straight into the face.

As a result, I descended into depression, apathy, radical behavior, substance abuse, and antidepressants. I was trying to keep the fire of truth from burning me from the inside out. I tried to numb myself and to fit in, working at my “normal” job, paying my bills, the majority of which were hospital bills because my body kept screaming at me: “Stop pretending! Wake up and be yourself! Wake up, or I will cease to exist, because you are not being the true you!”.

Finally, my body gave me an ultimatum. In circumstances I do not wish to describe fully, I stared at a blood pressure monitor, telling me that I was about to die. I felt that at that time I had to make a decision. Either continue to choose a fake life and die as a result, or radically change myself and be reborn into my authentic self.

I screamed in my heart that I was no longer accepting my fake life and if that means death, then let death come. However, somewhere deep in my soul, I asked for life and I asked for help. I asked for help to become my true authentic self and to live my truth. I asked for health and I asked for love and happiness.

I did not die that night and strange coincidences started happening, which helped me to completely redirect my life. I quit my job. I moved to another country. I was literally reborn again. All that, because I made the decision to be myself and I asked for help from the universe.

Now, I am discovering my new life path as a developing spiritual healer, discovering my passion for Shamanic Healing Art, sacred symbolism, the energetic structure of the universe, and always, always, being my true self.

I would not have stayed alive to love this life so much and to tell you my story if I had chosen to stay silent, afraid to sound crazy, silly, and scared of what some people would think of me.

My message to you is this: if you ever feel, see, or experience a truth that is inconvenient to look in the eyes, to share, to talk about, to live, please know that there is no need for fear.

Spiritual visions and experiences are there to help you be yourself, to live a fulfilled, authentic, purposeful life, to live and love, to love life and yourself.

The spiritual world community is growing and there are a lot of people, who have embraced their truth, their visions, and experiences, which are considered silly and imagined by “normal” people.

Being your true self is in and pretending to be someone else is out.

Let’s support each other and appreciate each others’ truth, so that the light in each of us shines brighter and warmer, brighter and truer, transforming us together into the unimagined beings of light and love that we truly are.

If you are interested in learning how to see spiritual visions, check out my video on how I developed my skills in it.

Thank you.

